
Labyrinth of Lies – Irene Hannon

Labyrinth of Lies by Irene Hannon is a typical Christian romantic suspense novel: Fast-paced. A crime of some variety forces two characters together who have a…complicated history. One, never truly gave up on the relationship, even with […]

The Chase Lisa Harris

The Chase – Lisa Harris

I sat for 10 minutes prior to writing this review, attempting to find an appropriate simile for Lisa Harris’s The Chase. Whirlwind. Roller coaster. Hurricane. Nothing seems to fit! The best on which I can […]

Legacy of Ash Matthew Ward

Legacy of Ash – Matthew Ward

When I was younger, I loved fantasy. I thrived on traveling into a new world, my imagination turning the words on the page into colorful, vibrant pictures. In really good books, I would create a […]