Also by this author: Fix Your Eyes: How Our Study of God Shapes Our Worship of Him, Does God Sleep?: A Book About God’s Power, Does God Go on Vacation?: A Book About God’s Presence
Published by B&H Kids on March 15, 2022
Genres: Children's
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Did God ever go to school? Does God need someone to teach Him? Is there anything God doesn’t know? Amy Gannett, founder and creator of the popular Tiny Theologians® brand, aims to answer questions like these in Did God Learn His ABCs? The book’s engaging, rhyming text and bold, delightful illustrations make God’s omniscience (His all-knowing nature) understandable, relatable, and applicable for kids. Young readers will close the book knowing there’s no need to hide their sins, questions, or dreams from God—for He already knows everything about them.
Also in this series: Does God Sleep?: A Book About God’s Power and Did God Learn His ABCs?: A Book About God’s Knowledge
This book is part of a new series by Amy Gannett, which focuses on common questions that children ask about God. These concept books are short, simple, and easy for kids to understand, and the rhyme scheme is rhythmic and easy to read aloud. Did God Learn His ABCs?: A Book About God’s Knowledge focuses on the theological concept of God’s omniscience in a kid-friendly way, explaining that even though we have to learn about lots of different subjects, God already knows everything. The book explores God’s knowledge of the world, and then it focuses on God’s knowledge of us. Gannett encourages children to open up to God in prayer, since He already knows and loves them intimately.
This book explains its concepts well in vivid, concrete language, and the illustrations are delightful. Nate Farro’s illustrations are wonderfully bright and colorful, matching the text’s enthusiastic energy, and the diverse illustrations show different boys and girls with varying skin tones throughout the book. My one critique is that I would have liked the book to mention Jesus, explaining that because he is both God and man, he humbled himself to set aside his perfect knowledge and learn about life as a developing child. However, that is understandably outside of the scope of this brief board book. I hope that there will be future installments in this series that cover other concepts and build on these first books.
Did God Learn His ABCs? is a wonderful resource for parents, Sunday school teachers, and Christian school teachers who are introducing key concepts about God’s nature and answering children’s questions. I would highly recommend this and the other books in the series, and will keep them in mind as a gift idea for young families. Also, if someone enjoys this book, I would recommend the Nancy White Carlstrom book Does God Know How to Tie Shoes? That picture book is aimed towards a similar audience, and shares Scripture paraphrases for the parents’ answers to their little girl’s questions. It would pair well with this series for adults and children who are exploring questions about God’s nature and how he relates to us.