Also by this author: Fix Your Eyes: How Our Study of God Shapes Our Worship of Him, Does God Go on Vacation?: A Book About God’s Presence, Did God Learn His ABCs?: A Book About God’s Knowledge
Published by B&H Kids on March 15, 2022
Genres: Children's
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Does God ever get tired? Does He sometimes get sick? Does He ever stop working? Children ask all kinds of questions like this, and Amy Gannett, founder and creator of the popular Tiny Theologians® brand, aims to answer them in Does God Sleep? The engaging, rhyming text and bold, delightful illustrations make God’s omnipotence (His all-powerful nature) understandable, relatable, and applicable for kids. Young readers will close the book knowing there’s no need to fear when falling asleep—for God is always awake, watching over us and working in the world.
Also in this series: Does God Go on Vacation?: A Book About God’s Presence and Did God Learn His ABCs?: A Book About God’s Knowledge
This book is part of a new series by Amy Gannett, which focuses on common questions that children ask about God. These concept books are short, simple, and easy for kids to understand, and the rhyme scheme is rhythmic and easy to read aloud. Does God Sleep?: A Book About God’s Power focuses on the theological concept of omnipotence in a kid-friendly way, giving both serious and lighthearted examples of how God is perfectly powerful, even though we are not. For example, a page near the end says that “the world keeps on spinning by God’s endless power,” but some earlier pages include amusing examples of strength, like saying that “there’s no jar of pickles God couldn’t pry loose.” Overall, the book has a energetic, fun tone, and the illustrations support this beautifully.
The illustrations by Nate Farro are wonderfully bright and colorful, matching the text’s enthusiastic energy. They are also very diverse, and instead of following just one child, the book shows different boys and girls with different skin tones throughout. The book ends on the hopeful, encouraging note that God is always awake and always powerful, and that we can rest in security at night because we know that he is watching over us. This book will appeal to Christian families as a bedtime book, and is also a great option for churches and Christian schools who are introducing key concepts about God’s nature. I would highly recommend this and the other books in the series, and will keep them in mind as a gift idea for young families.