Also by this author: What to Wear: A Kids Bible Study on Looking Like Jesus (Colossians 3:1-14)
Published by B&H Kids on April 1, 2019
Genres: Children's, Children's Educational
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Empowered takes the popular idea of what it means to be a strong girl and flips it on its head, using the stories of eleven faithful women to show that real power comes from our loving Father through His Son. In the pages of this book, girls will encounter women they may never have heard of. They will learn some of the character traits that go along with the Christian walk. But they will also encounter a God who is faithful to complete the work He has begun in them. They don't have to do the things these women have done to live a life of purpose; by making a direct connection to their daily lives, readers will have a bigger and a more personal view of their Father and His love for them. The stories in Empowered are about faithful women, but even more about a steadfast God. The same God who was faithful to give Corrie ten Boom the love she needed in order to forgive her prison guard can help girls love the unlovable bullies at school. The love for Jesus that compelled Sophie Scholl to sacrifice her life for a higher cause can empower a young girl who sees injustice in the world around her. In a culture where kids see value in terms of Instagram likes and viral videos, the life of Pandita Ramabai will show the value of humble worship. Through the inspiring stories of eleven faithful women, Empowered will show girls that God is the true source of their power, strength, and purpose in life, removing the pressure girls may feel to conquer the world on their own.
This B&H Kids book includes a Parent Connection, an easy tool to help moms and dads (or anyone else who loves kids) discuss the book's message with their child. We're all about connecting parents and kids to each other and to God's Word.
Empowered celebrates eleven notable women who made significant contributions to the world because of their faith in Christ. These women represent different races, nations, and spheres of influence, and even though some of them are well-known in Christian circles – such as Corrie Ten-Boom and Elisabeth Elliot – others, such as Sophie Scholl and Pandita Ramabai, are more obscure. In each chapter, the author shares a biographical sketch, a short devotional, and discussion questions. The questions include Scripture references, and encourage readers to reflect on how the chapter’s lessons relate to their lives.
The focus of Empowered: How God Shaped 11 Women’s Lives (And Can Shape Yours Too) is clear from the title. Catherine Parks uses the language of empowerment to teach girls about the power of the Holy Spirit, showing them that these women were able to accomplish what they did because of God’s strength in them. She encourages girls to know that they, too, can serve God and others in meaningful ways, because even though they may never face the intense conditions that many of these women did, God calls each of us to serve Him within our ordinary lives and the circumstances in which He places us.
This book is a great resource for Christian schools, homeschool families, and devotions. It teaches about a variety of women and historical issues, and does so in a way that elevates God’s power instead of making the women themselves the center of the story. Parks is honest and direct about the women’s accomplishments and their faults, and never praises them in a way that encourages idealization or the belief that no one could be like them. This book is refreshing and encouraging, and is a great choice for both children and adults who are interested in learning about historic Christian women.