Also by this author: The Garden, the Curtain and the Cross, The Garden, the Curtain, and the Cross Board Book, The Christmas Promise Sunday School Lessons: A Three-Session Curriculum With a Family Service Outline, God’s Big Promises Bible Storybook, God’s Big Promises: The First Christmas: Sticker and Activity Book, God’s Big Promises: Advent Calendar and Family Devotions, Christmas Uncut: What Really Happened and Why It Really Matters, God's Big Promises: Easter for Little Ones, God's Big Promises Easter Sticker and Activity Book, The God Contest Board Book: Jesus Is the Real God!
Published by Good Book Company on September 1, 2023
Genres: Children's, Christmas
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A fun activity book bringing the Christmas story to life. Based on God's Big Promises Bible Storybook.
Using vibrant illustrations and simple, faithful teaching from Gods Big Promises Bible Storybook, this activity book features over 60 stickers and 16 pages of puzzles, games, and other activities.
It will provide hours of fun for your family, bringing the Christmas story to life for young children.
Youngsters will enjoy the angel visiting Mary, the journey to Bethlehem, the birth of Jesus, and the visits of the shepherds and the magi.
Perfect for kids aged 3-7.
It’s October and in the publishing world (much like the rest of the retail world), that means it’s Christmas! Christian publishers release a ton of Christmas content every year and most of it is fine, some of it is mediocre, and some of it is stellar. God’s Big Promises: The First Christmas Sticker and Activity Book is one of those things that’s fine. It’s serviceable. It does its job. What makes it stand out is that it connects with the rest of the God’s Big Promises series. The Good Book Company has been doing this with several of their children’s series. You have a core resource with ancillary consumable resources surrounding it—sticker books, activity books, and so on. It’s a magnificent way of engaging different types of learners with the content in an interactive way.
God’s Big Promises: The First Christmas Sticker and Activity Book has over sixty stickers that interact with letter tracing activities, early literacy games, a maze, dot to dot, and so on. It’s a menagerie of activities that’s sure to engage young readers and pre-readers. Because the stickers are meant to be reusable, the pages of the book are glossy. This makes the stickers peel off and restick more easily. Unfortunately, that also makes the writing portions of the activities rather difficult, as the glossy pages don’t take writing very well. My advice is to use a dry erase marker with it. It’s not perfect, but it gets the job done and allows you to wipe it off and reuse.