Also by this author: Growing Together: Taking Mentoring Beyond Small Talk and Prayer Requests, Wherever You Go, I Want You to Know, Wherever You Go, I Want You To Know Board Book, His Grace Is Enough Board Book
Published by Good Book Company on May 1, 2022
Genres: Children's
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This illustrated, rhyming book will help parents explain to children the unique and wonderful Christian message of God's grace--that Jesus offers forgiveness and allows us to move on from our mistakes.
It can be used to share the heart of the Christian faith with children or to remind them that Jesus is the person to run to when they mess up.
Children will learn that God's grace is enough to cleanse and change us every day, as the book itself says...
My child, here's the truth: From God, you can't hide
He sees what you've done
He knows what's inside
But please don't despair
There's good news, I say!
Whatever you do,
God's grace makes a way
Yes, his grace is enough
It's so big and so free
His grace is enough
Both for you and for me
This beautiful hardback book makes a great gift for children and even beyond.
This picture book teaches children about God’s grace, emphasizing that even when we fail and feel ashamed because of it, God will always forgive us and love us. The text from Melissa Kruger has a nice rhyme scheme and gentle refrain, and the illustrations from Isobel Lundie show diverse children doing wrong things, responding in different ways, and then receiving grace-filled reassurance from their parents. The book addresses common responses to doing the wrong thing, such as hiding or trying to do something else perfectly, and it assures children that God’s grace, not their own merit, is what makes them right before God.
His Grace Is Enough: How God Makes It Right When We’ve Got It Wrong culminates in a brief, child-level explanation of the gospel, focusing on how God paid the price for our sin and gives us new life. The book ends with the message that because of God’s grace, we are also able to change, and it makes it clear that God’s grace isn’t an excuse to keep sinning. Melissa Kruger handles this complicated topic in a child-friendly and biblical way, making this a helpful conversation tool for families and church environments.
My one critique is that His Grace Is Enough does not include Bible references or a note to parents. I think it would have been helpful for there to be a note at the end with related Bible passages that children and parents could explore together, and with additional advice and encouragement for how parents can discuss this topic with their children and create a grace-based culture in their homes. However, even though I think this book would be even stronger with an author’s note, it is a wonderful introduction for kids to a complicated spiritual topic.