Also by this author: How Do We Know Christianity Is Really True?, What Happens When We Die?, Why Does God Let Bad Things Happen?, Who Am I and Why Do I Matter?, How Can I Feel Closer to God?
Series: Big Questions #6
Published by Good Book Company on August 1, 2023
Genres: Children's, Children's Educational
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Apologetics for kids and tweens on the source of moral truth.
How can I be sure what’s right and wrong? Is it all just a matter of opinion? Do we really need God to tell us how to be good people, or can we just figure it out for ourselves? What about situations where there is no one right answer, or when we disagree with others about what the best thing to do is?
In this fun and fast-paced book, Christian Studies teacher and school chaplain Chris Morphew walks 9-13-year-olds through various questions about morality. He makes the case that there is such a thing as right and wrong, and that we need to go to God for solid and satisfying answers.
• An apologetic case for objective morality which connects with the culture today’s children are growing up in
• Points children to the grace and truth of the gospel message
• Includes chapters on disagreeing well with others
• Written for kids who don’t yet identify as Christians as well as those who do
This is another great installment in the Big Questions series for tweens and teens. Chris Morphew is a teacher and school chaplain at a Christian school, and his experience interacting with kids comes through clearly in his writing. He gets to the heart of what kids are really asking, and as he provides Bible-based answers to their complex spiritual questions, he uses humor and relatable illustrations that kids will connect with. How Can I Be Sure What’s Right and Wrong? explores an essential question and its very practical implications, and Morphew answers common questions like, “Can we ever really know what’s right and wrong?” and “Can’t I just decide what’s right and wrong for myself?” while keeping everything basic, straightforward, and kid-friendly.
Throughout the book, Morphew provides clear, logical explanations for why different human methods of defining morality inevitably fall apart, and he directs his readers to God as the source of moral truth. He also addresses practical questions for moral decision-making in the real world. These chapters use the redemptive story as a lens for helping kids contextualize their growth in character and wisdom as Christians, and other chapters address how people can handle disagreements about ethics with their friends and other people in the church. The book is very thoughtful and well-reasoned, and Morphew uses Scripture and logic to support his arguments. He also avoids unhelpful controversies over specific issues, and just focuses on broad ideas.
How Can I Be Sure What’s Right and Wrong? is a great book for tweens and teens. This will appeal to readers who are new Christians, and to those who have professed faith at a younger age but are figuring out what the Christian life looks like for them now that they are older and can take more responsibility for their relationship with God. Morphew also talks directly to kids who are curious about faith or have Christian family members, but who don’t believe in Jesus themselves. This book can appeal to a broad age range and to kids from different backgrounds, and the short chapters and conversational style also make this accessible to reluctant readers. I highly recommend this book along with the rest of the series.