Also by this author: David
Series: Little Words Matter
Published by B&H Publishing on October 1, 2015
Genres: Children's, Children's Educational
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It only takes a few little words to tell some big Bible stories!
Noah and the ark, David and Goliath, the birth of Jesus—the Bible has some big stories for little ones to hear and learn. These 19 stories say it all in just a few words so that toddlers are sure to understand and to request their favorites again and again.
The Little Words Matter Bible Storybook is intended to introduce our littlest readers (and pre-readers!) to Scripture. Each Bible story is condensed into one simple paragraph of about six or seven sentences. Meant to be read aloud to toddlers, I see this as also being a good resource for those little ones just learning to read themselves.
The storybook contains 19 different stories: Creation, Noah’s Ark, Moses in the Basket, Parting the Red Sea, The 10 Commandments, Jericho, David & Goliath, Esther, Daniel & the Lion’s Den, Jonah, Jesus’ Birth, Jesus in the Temple, Jesus Calls the Disciples, Jesus Feeds 5,000, Jesus Calms the Storm, Jesus and the Children, The Last Supper, The Cross, The Resurrection.
I’ve always wondered how editors decide what Bible stories they want to include. There are so many good stories missing here! Ruth stands out as a prominent example. Also, I’m a bit disappointed that there are no stories of the early church in Acts. I think the decision is that Jesus should be the climax of the story, but that’s only the beginning of the story of Him working in our lives. Little kids need to know that the power of Jesus lives on.
In my opinion, it is a serious flaw for a Bible storybook to leave out any stories that form the basis of orthodoxy. Completely missing here is any reference to the ascension or Second Coming, both core fundamental doctrines. That makes this Bible storybook seem incomplete.
Each story is told very simply in one paragraph. The last sentence of each story serves a sort of summary sentence, one that would be great for little minds to memorize. Word choice is usually the simplest option. The illustrations are uniformly wonderful.
Overall, I have no complaints about the book’s content, just what it was lacking. I think there are probably better options available.