Published by Beaming Books on May 17, 2022
Genres: Children's
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Every daddy is different--and that makes them even more special!
Some daddies teach you about the world. Others attend tea parties. Some help turn blankets into forts. Others hold you steady while you pedal.
This rollicking showcase of daddies celebrates the incredible diversity of modern fathers. The inclusive cast of characters--including a two-dad family, a single dad, and a stay-at-home dad--highlights the bond between daddy and child as they play, learn, comfort, and laugh their way through everyday life. This open-hearted ode to fatherhood will give readers new appreciation for how their own fathers and father-figures shine in their own unique ways.
Some Daddies is the perfect gift for a new dad, Father's Day, or any occasion for parents and educators to read with their kids. Carol Gordon Ekster's playful text is illustrated with the quirky, colorful artwork of Javiera Maclean Alvarez, making this picture book a wonderful read-aloud.
Every daddy is different. In a world where manliness and masculinity are often stereotyped under certain headings, Some Daddies introduces children to two different concepts: First, not all dads are like my dad. Second, dads can do lots of different things and have lots of different interests. The first concept is great for younger kids, who are just learning that family structures and relationships are different in different families. The second concept provides a gentle, implicit corrective to the way dads/men can be stereotyped in our culture.
Some Daddies explores dadliness in all of its forms, showing kids that Dad are Real People with Real Interests (a third important lesson for kids! Parents are people, too!) From the way they look and dress, to the way they behave or the interests they have, to their personalities, dads are diverse individuals who parent and play with their kids in a variety of ways. I especially appreciated that Some Daddies highlighted adoptive dads and father figures, as well as step-families and families with same-sex parents. Every child and every dad will feel included and it’s fun to find “your dad” amid the mix.
The illustrations in Some Daddies accentuates the theme of diversity, showcasing a truly wide array of skin tones, hair colors, ethnicities, and backgrounds. There are dads with no hair, dads with a lot of hair, dads with glasses, dads using wheelchairs, dads wearing a turban, big dads, small dads, younger dads, older dads, and more. There’s enough on the page to be eye-catching, but not so much that it’s overwhelming. Whether for Father’s Day or just any old reason, Some Daddies is a fun tribute to the dads in our lives.