Also by this author: The Kid with Big, Big Ideas, The Boy with Big, Big Feelings, The Girl with Big, Big Questions
Series: The Big, Big Series #4
Published by Beaming Books Genres: Children's, Children's Educational
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Everyone has feelings. But BIG feelings like anger, sadness, jealousy, embarrassment, and fear can be hard to process. Finding different ways to work through each emotion can help--drawing, writing, exercising, singing, and even breathing techniques. This consumable activity book helps kids identify, regulate, and cope with big feelings.
When The Big, Big Feelings Activity Book arrived in the mail, my partner flipped through it and said it was exactly what she’s been looking for as a pediatric occupational therapist. She took it to the school she works at and I made her bring it back home so that I could, you know, actually write a review about it. But this alone could be the review: The Big, Big Feelings Activity Book is The Occuplaytional Therapist approved.
A companion to The Boy with Big, Big Feelings, this activity book offers a number of resources for children to express, explain, understand, and work through their emotions. The first positive: This book acknowledges that emotions are normal and okay to express. Too often, particularly with so-called negative emotions like sadness or anger, the lesson taught to children is that those emotions aren’t valid. This book validates emotions and teaches children healthy ways to communicate and process them.
The Big, Big Feelings Activity Book contains over fifty activities ranging from drawing to word association to acrostic poems to physical activities, crumple art, word search, bingo—the list goes on. One of the potential downsides of a book like this is how it can become repetitive in the kinds of activities it offers and thus limited in the learning styles it engages. There’s something for every learning style and every child here. You can tell that this isn’t just a companion product meant to cash in on the original book. It’s an expertly-crafted resource suitable for both professional and personal settings.
Geared toward the elementary school age, The Big, Big Feelings Activity Book is a must for elementary and primary schools, perfect for child counselors and therapists, and still accessible for parents. With a variety of activities, it’ll engage every type of learner and feelings-producer and help children become more in tune with themselves. It’s great!