Also by this author: You're More Than a Sprout
Published by B&H Publishing on February 4, 2020
Genres: Children's, Bible Stories
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You might think of the first Easter as a quiet, peaceful morning. But with all creation celebrating the risen Lord of Lords, it may not have been so quiet! The Quiet Crazy Easter Day imagines the crazy celebration that might have occurred when Jesus arose . . . a festive day filled with chirps and croaks, shouts and coos and loop-de-doos. Join the rejoicing as we follow along with the Easter story and learn how we too can shout and sing and spread the news that Jesus is alive.
In The Quiet Crazy Christmas Day, Jill Roman Lord turned the supposed Silent Night on end, painting a much more realistic picture of joyous celebration as Messiah entered the world as a baby. Now she’s returned with The Quiet Crazy Easter Day—a natural follow-up, even though I don’t think there’s quite the equivalent tradition of quietness.
Just as the animals danced and rejoiced and made their noises at the manger, so they now return for an encore at the empty tomb. Kelly Breemer’s illustrations delight. The joy and excitement in the faces of each animal as they celebrate is evident. Lord’s collection of animals and sounds is varied and fun, giving parents and kids any number of opportunities for funny noises and giggles.
The rabbits must have pitter-pattered with their bunny feet.
While froggies croaked and birdies chirped and locust kept the beat.
It’s a fun, upbeat, rhyming tale that all culminates with your little one seeing the significance of the empty tomb. The eleven panels tell the gospel story, even bringing it into modern context.
Yes, Jesus rose up from the tomb to take our sins away.
And though we cannot see him, He is still alive today!
Your littles—whether in your home or in your Sunday School class—will absolutely enjoy baaing and mooing and chirping and shouting as they learn about Jesus and this very good absolutely perfect day to celebrate.