Also by this author: Breach of Honor, One Final Target, Every Deadly Suspicion
Published by Tyndale on July 19, 2022
Genres: Fiction, Christian, Romance, Suspense
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Detective Danni Grace has never met a police officer who wants to face a scenario where pulling the trigger on another person is the only option. When the worst does occur and there's a police-involved shooting, it leads to riots and calls to disband the entire police force in La Rosa, Danni's hometown.
After fifteen years on the force, Danni has had enough. Injured in the line of duty when a protester throws a chunk of concrete at her and shaken by the vitriol being shown to the police, Danni realizes for the first time that she's lost her passion for the job.
While she's on a leave of absence, though, a community activist in La Rosa is shot and a fellow officer is blamed for his murder. Taking on this case means stepping back into a job Danni's not sure she can do anymore . . . and working closely with her ex-husband, Gabriel Fox, an investigator for the city prosecutor's office. Danni will need to tap into her code of courage to uncover the truth, prevent another injustice, and uphold her oath to serve and protect.
While I have only read one other Janice Cantore book, I enjoyed it because of its accuracy. Code of Courage is no exception. The novel is complicated without being confusing. It keeps readers connected to its mysteries until the conclusion. The romance is subtle and sweet, not displayed on billboards or painted on posters. I loved so much about Code of Courage by Janice Cantore in part because of its realism. But that also means the emotions were real—for both myself and the author. Emotionally charging a book, in my opinion, can either hinder or help you. With Code of Courage, I honestly do not know which way the scales tip.
I am conflicted about how best to review Cantore’s newest novel. It kept me engaged, and I liked Danni, Gabe, and all the supporting characters. I do not know if Code of Courage will have a sequel, but I would like it to. I do not want to leave Danni and Gabe’s story in my “Completed” stack. Cantore pulls in Christianity in an understated manner and demonstrates it is never too late to find Christ. To come back to Him if you have wandered. When I finished the novel, I had no unanswered questions. Cantore dotted her I’s and crossed her T’s.
But…Code of Courage by Janice Cantore could be perceived as being political in nature. Maybe “political” is not the right word, but most everything about this novel screams “anger.” Anger at the public for not supporting the police. Anger at the perceived lack of government support. Anger at corruption in the media. As a former police officer herself, there is little doubt where Cantore stands, and she puts everything into Code of Courage. I have problems when authors hit me over the head with their personal or political views, whether I agree with them or not. Some of Cantore’s newest novel discomforted me, because it was so…negative.
I do not doubt that corruption exists, in some capacity, nor I do not doubt the existence of “bad” cops and “good” cops. Some work for the good of their communities, others abuse their powers. The media is not always apolitical. Personally, I aim to keep an open mind and form my own opinions—and I keep most of those views to myself. Not because I won’t talk about them but because I don’t want to fuel the flames of controversy that exist in today’s society. Before I discuss anything at length, I desire to know all I can.
Code of Courage by Janice Cantore is rather one-sided, in favor of law enforcement. I think there is much to be said for a book portraying our current time’s high tensions from a police department’s side. That is not something the public often sees or tries to understand. Though I really liked and enjoyed the overall story in Code of Courage, I cannot recommend it as highly as I might have otherwise. At least, I cannot do so without giving a strong warning of caution.