Series: The Ravenwood Saga #2
Published by Bethany House on April 30, 2019
Genres: Fiction, Christian, Suspense, Fantasy
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Exiled and on the run, Selene Ravenwood is in search of the real reason her family was given the gift of dreamwalking but first she must adapt to her marriage with the man she was originally assigned to kill. With war impending and a dark being after her gift, she finds herself at a crossroads but time is running out and soon her choice will be made for her.
Flight of the Raven | Morgan Busse
There’s no going back. Selene has not just aligned herself with the man she was ordered to kill, she has married him. It was a marriage of desperation. The only way to ensure their escape. But Selene now leaves a safely and orderly life, a life of opulence and a clear path to power, for a life on the run with an unusual, if charismatic husband who serves strange gods.
Flight of the Raven begins where Mark of the Raven left off. Selene, confronted by her House’s use of their supernatural powers, abandons it all in an attempt to save a man she barely knows. And that man, Lord Damien, has risked everything to save her as well. The two settle into an uncomfortable and awkward existence in the palace of House Maris. The people are concerned about Damien’s alliance with Ravenwood—rightfully so, I might add. Ravenwood’s power continues to loom and their connection with the evil Empire becomes even more obvious.
In Maris, Selene is first exposed to the concept of the Light and learns of a supernatural entity other than the Dark Lady served by House Ravenwood. Selene’s conflict is palpable. Who is this Light? How does he compare to the Dark Lady? If she changes alliances, will her powers fade? But her powers seem to be doing the opposite, and she garners the attention of the Dark Lady herself.
Released from the world of Ravenwood, Morgan Busse expands her story in its geography, mythology, and lore. The relational elements in the story are strong and the conflicts presented drive the storyline. Busse has a way of working her readers into the minds of the characters. You feel empathy for Amara, even though she becomes the villain. You even understand the generational poison inside Lady Ragna and the hatred that spurs her onward.
Selene and Damien’s relationship is handled well. It’s not a fairy tale moment. The two take their time to know each other. The situation is presented as awkward as it is, and there’s a real struggle they must go through. To see their growth as friends through the novel, and for that—rather than the romance—to be the focus, was a breath of fresh air rather than the rather tired and stale boy-rescues-girl trope.
Selene’s exploration of the Light and her conflict over her House’s allegiance to the Dark Lady is also well presented. There’s a real struggle, a real yearning to know more and to make an informed decision—something that’s highlighted when she receives direct communication from the Dark Lady. You really see it as a character learning and growing, not a paint-by-numbers plot necessity for Christian fantasy fiction.
Flight of the Raven is every bit as good as its INSPY Award winning predecessor. I can’t wait to see how Busse wraps up her trilogy next year.