Also by this author: Stay with Me
Series: Misty River Romance #2
Published by Bethany House on May 4, 2021
Genres: Fiction, Christian, Romance
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Having graduated college at 18, Sebastian Grant has continued to leverage his intelligence and determination to become a pediatric heart surgeon. The more accolades he receives, the more he's driven to pursue. Then he meets high school math teacher Leah Montgomery, and his fast-spinning world comes to a sudden stop.
Solving advanced math equations by the age of five, Leah has always wanted to pursue a PhD in mathematics. She willingly put that dream on hold to raise her brother. Now that he is of age, she's set on avoiding any obstacles to her goal--including romance.
When Leah receives surprising news in the process of taking a test for tracking her ancestry, she asks Sebastian to help her comb through aged hospital records to learn more. Soon his presence isn't so easily ignored. But when Sebastian learns his best friend also has feelings for Leah, he begins to question his resolve to win her. Attaining their deepest desires may require more sacrifices than they ever imagined.
Gulp! My heart was in my throat as I read this book…Let It Be Me touched me way down deep. I just love this series by Becky Wade! These stories about the kids on a mission trip and were trapped in a building during an earthquake…it’s neat to hear their stories and have the opportunity to know each one of them.
This is Sebastian’s story, and he’s probably the one I’d liked the least when I read the earlier books. But that’s because I hadn’t understood him. It is also Leah’s story, and what a story she has! I really enjoyed reading this story line, although it did strike me as a bit unlikely…but then, what else makes a good story but something that is not so likely to happen?
Leah gets some surprising results when she takes a DNA test, and is on the search for her history. She is one determined individual, and I really enjoyed seeing her process as she searched for answers, wanting clues to solve this little mystery. One thing that is very constant throughout this story is Leah’s fierce love for her younger brother. She’s been responsible for him ever since her own teen years, and even through the rocky times they face in this book, they have a strong sibling bond.
Leah’s beliefs are challenged, and I loved watching her grow and become a better, stronger person because of some of the things she faced. Realistic characters with some real life drama, mystery, and a bit of sweet romance thrown in….this is one amazing story!