Also by this author: The Promise, The Drummer Boy, Sinner, Green, The Dream Traveler's Quest, Into the Book of Light, The Curse of Shadownman, The Garden and the Serpent, The Final Judgment, Millie Maven and the Bronze Medallion, Nine, Millie Maven and the Golden Vial, Millie Maven, And They Found Dragons
Series: Millie Maven #3
Published by Outlaw Studios on October 2020
Genres: Fiction, Children's, Christian, Young Adult, Suspense

In this epic conclusion, Millie must face her greatest challenge if she is to discover the greatest truth, one that can save everything and everyone she cares about. But in order to do so, she will have to sacrifice everything. Is she strong enough to do what is being asked? Because if she can't, Millie and F.I.G.S. will be lost forever.
The final volume in the Millie Maven trilogy picks up six days the completion of the trial in Millie Maven in the Golden Vial. This time there are no trials. This time is not a quest. This time it’s real—assuming that the world of FIGS is real, and Millie has some idea that it’s more real than her known reality.
Soren has made his way into FIGS and he’s intent on taking it over. With the professors, Dean Kyra, and other adults gone—dead?—it’s up to the kids of Project FIGS to defend their school and this otherworldly reality. Themes of forgiveness and redemption loom large as Millie Maven must also face her hatred of Mother—actually her aunt—and Mother herself must unlock her heart from its own trauma, make atonement, and accept forgiveness.
There’s so much that happens in such a short time in this book, as the Ted and Rachelle Dekker add a new character arc even as they attempt to close the real earth and other earth(?) storylines while shoehorning in one final twist. I would have preferred if the Dekkers had taken their time on this one and given readers fifty more pages. Or even a fourth book! There’s so much of impact in both story and theme that it deserves to be dwelt on.
This series was everything I hoped it would be. Strong writing, strong themes, just enough of the Circle amid a brand-new story. Not since the Books of Mortals has a Dekker fantasy found me so enraptured. The Dekker bond continues to be a winning combination and I hope this isn’t the last we see of them writing for this audience.