Also by this author: The Deadly Shallows
Series: Jeopardy Falls #1
Published by Bethany House Publishers on February 6, 2024
Genres: Fiction, Christian, Romance, Suspense
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One wrong move. One wrong decision. One misjudgment. That is all it can take to shape a life, for good or for bad. My favorite Dani Pettrey quality is how she takes her time. I never feel rushed when reading any of her novels, and One Wrong Move continues this trend. It perfectly balances “slow burn romance” with fast-paced thrill with a perplexing case that sends Christian and Andi reeling. If you like romantic suspense, One Wrong Move by Dani Pettrey is the book for you.
A word of advice: Though you’ll be tempted, don’t read One Wrong Move at a breakneck speed. Dani Pettrey demands the reader’s attention. I found myself thinking about this novel, contemplating what might happen next, even when I wasn’t reading…and I couldn’t get back to it fast enough. Not only because of Pettrey’s masterful portrayals of excitement and loveable characters but also because, I will admit, I’d get lost sometimes. I needed to get “into the zone” when reading One Wrong Move. Pettrey packs the novel with details, plot points, and character histories. When I got distracted, it sometimes took me a few pages to sink back into the story. Not because I didn’t enjoy it; I did. Rather, Pettrey just covered every question I, as a reader, might have had. Metaphorically speaking, I had to fit the pieces back together when life circumstances slid some pieces off the table and onto the floor.
I really enjoyed the art heist investigation. Romantic suspense novels typically feature a missing person or a murdered sibling/parent; the art heist was new. How everything laced together with both Andi and Christian’s histories—chef’s kiss. Both characters aim to prove themselves in their lines of work, and they do both through their professionalism and their interactions with each other. Andi and Christian just…worked. Readers also experience some romantic tension between a couple other characters (no spoilers here!), which adds to One Wrong Move’s charm and appeal. Typically, I like for my romantic suspense novels to focus on one relationship. Doing more than one can feel rushed and cluttered, but Pettrey handles everything beautifully in her newest novel.
Likeable characters, a compelling mystery, fulfilling faith, and a believable romance. One Wrong Move has it all. Bravo, Dani Pettrey. I can’t wait to see what else the “Jeopardy Falls” series might have in store.