Also by this author: Midnight
Series: Be Your Own Duck Commander #2
Published by Tyndale on October 1, 2014
Genres: Fiction, Christian, Children's
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In this four-book juvenile fiction series featuring the popular Robertson family of Duck Commander and written by Phil's grandson John Luke Robertson (with Travis Thrasher), readers are invited to participate in the zany fun of the Duck Commander world. After a few chapters, readers can choose to go down different paths--all filled with humor and life lessons.
In this volume, camp-goers at Camp Ch-Yo-Ca have seen mysterious things in the middle of the night. The camp brings in Phil Robertson and his grandson John Luke to investigate the strange happenings. This adventure allows the reader to be Phil while checking out the mystery. Is there really a ghost behind the spooky sights and sounds? Or could it be something far different? Follow the trail of clues to try to find the answer. But avoid making the wrong choices and ending up in trouble!
If you own a television and likely even if you don’t, you are aware of Duck Dynasty. God, family, ducks, beards, and Bibles—not necessarily in that order. In the past couple of years, they have gone from famous within the duck hunting world to just in general all-around famous. As they’ve continued to expand their dynasty, it’s naturally overflowed into the world of books.
And though they’ve penned numerous books, none are as goofy or off-the-wall as John Luke Robertson and Travis Thrasher’s series of Choose-Your-Own-Adventure-style novels that put you right into the beards of your favorite Duck Commander.
In Phil and the Ghost of Camp Ch-Yo-Ca, you get into the hunting boots of the patriarch himself: Phil Robertson. Your problem? There are mysterious goings-on at the local Christian camp and you—and John Luke—have been asked to investigate. Is it a ghost? Is it giant spiders? Is it a swamp monster? Is it something else? It could be all that and more, depending on what decisions you make.
The whole book is hilarious and very tongue-in-cheek. Thrasher sneaks in some cultural references that most of the middle grade to middle school readers probably won’t get (but I chuckled at) and John Luke throws in cultural references they will (as well as a lot of show in-jokes.) It’s not meant to be taken seriously and manages to poke fun at itself even as it sets up some goofily tense moments.
There are a number of endings…even after several readings, I’m not entirely sure I managed to get through them all. Especially for young readers, this series will provide entertainment for hours on end.
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