Also by this author: Servant, Sacrifice, Surrender, Salvation
Series: The Chronicles of Servitude #4
Published by BHC Press on October 3, 2019
Genres: Fiction, Christian, Suspense, Thriller
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Bobby Roland has stumbled onto a new crisis.
Violent criminals are rising from the dead throughout Oregon—not just in Portland, but in Bobby’s adopted hometown of Autumn Ridge. He teams up with Joanna Halsey, an old acquaintance who knows a few things about the occult, to get to the bottom of the mystery. Together they surmise that these criminals have been brought back to life to complete some terrible task.
Their search for answers takes them to an occultist’s doorstep, where Bobby learns that raising the dead is no difficult feat for those devoted to black magic.
But who would resort to necromancy, and why? Bobby and Joanna must stop them before the dead kill again.
J.S. Bailey does it again with Solemnity, book four of “The Chronicles of Servitude” series. This supernatural thriller left me wiggling in my seat with mentions of the occult and its tactics. I may have been uncomfortable, but it wasn’t negative. It was more like a scratch I couldn’t quite reach–one of those right in between my shoulder blades. No matter how many times I twisted, I couldn’t make the itch go away. More questions. The suspense continued to build, and it never stopped. Solemnity by J.S. Bailey is exciting and action-packed. Buckle up, my friends, because you’re in for quite a ride.
Bobby Roland teams up with a former demoniac named Joanna to combat a bunch of undead zombies who committed all sorts of criminal offenses when they were alive. No, not zombies like you might see in a haunted house or on shows like The Walking Dead. These are zombies who bleed, feel, and breathe just like a living being. Their hearts beat. Someone brought them back, and Bobby and Joanna must find out who and stop them before it’s too late. Bobby and Joanna are both forced to face some of their own demons and lean on each other–and their friends–to achieve success and save Autumn Ridge, Oregon from demonic forces. Again.
I loved this book. “The Chronicles of Servitude” is unlike anything I’ve ever read, and I’ve dabbled in demonic fiction (if you could call it that) in the past. Solemnity by J.S. Bailey is one of those books you’ll think about, even when you’re not reading it. If I’m remembering correctly, I even dreamed about it. It built on the three books before it so perfectly. It’s very clear J.S. Bailey knew the series in its entirety prior to authoring even the first book. Looking back now, I can think of little hints in Servant, Sacrifice, and Surrender that lead to this point. Solemnity is fast-paced and easy to read, but it is also spectacularly thought out. Necromancy is no quaint thing to dabble in; it’s a bit discomforting, in fact. But it’s also addicting. J.S. Bailey made me want more, and if you can get past the rising hairs at the nape of your neck, she’ll do the same for you!