Something I Can Never Have – Travis Thrasher

Something I Can Never Have Travis Thrasher
Something I Can Never Have by Travis Thrasher
Also by this author: Midnight
Published by Lucas Lane Publishers on December 2011
Genres: Fiction, Christian, Suspense, Speculative, Young Adult
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Be ye warned: this isn’t happiness and rainbows or puppies and sunshine but a very dark and twisted look into the life of a dark and twisted individual and the dark and twisted city of Solitary. Travis Thrasher's ebook exclusive takes us deeper into the mind of antagonist Jeremiah Marsh.

Back in the day (or so Travis tell me) there used to be things called B-sides to albums, a song or two that didn’t quite fit in with the theme or story of the rest of the album. That’s what Travis is branding this short novella Something I Can Never Have, written as a quick aside to Solitary Tales.

The novella is a compilation of letters written by Jeremiah Marsh, pastor of Solitary and villain of the story. Thrasher takes into the past, giving us an inside look at Marsh’s conflicted and tormented soul. Be ye warned: this isn’t happiness and rainbows or puppies and sunshine but a very dark and twisted look into the life of a dark and twisted individual and the dark and twisted city of Solitary.

In many ways, the novella reads like a character sketch that’s been modified into more of a story form. Or maybe Travis just received all these letters in the mail one day and decided to publish them. Who knows, really? And since Something I Can Never Have is written from Marsh’s perspective, it’s difficult to tell what’s truth and what’s not and whether any of this will come to play in either Temptation or Hurt.

I’ll admit, I would have liked more substance – because I simply want to know more – but Thrasher knows his limits in throwing out satisfying answers without giving everything away. It was the perfect morsel to remind me of the characters in and world of Solitary, North Carolina, and get me properly salivating over the last half of Solitary Tales, due to release in 2012.

For those of you who have read Solitary and Gravestone, or have heard of the series, and yet have never heard of this one, it’s because Thrasher has released it as an ebook only release for $2.99. Links to Amazon and Barnes and Noble.


About Travis Thrasher

Travis Thrasher

Bestselling author Travis Thrasher has written over 50 books, spanning genres in fiction, nonfiction and children’s literature. His inspirational stories have included collaborations with filmmakers, musicians, athletes, celebrities and pastors.

With the childhood goal of pursuing a writing career starting in third grade, Thrasher worked for 13 years at Tyndale House Publishers after graduating college. His experience working with as Author Relations Manager allowed him to understand the writing life as well as training him to work with a variety of personalities. This experience has proven to be invaluable with varied writing projects in the decade he’s been a full-time writer.

His novels are as diverse as the people he’s worked with, ranging from love stories to supernatural thrillers. Publishers Weekly said “Sara and Ethan are two of the most real and sensitive lovers to grace the genre” when reviewing his first novel, The Promise Remains. They also stated “Thrasher demonstrates a considerable talent for the horror genre” in a review for Isolation years later. His readers have enjoyed the unpredictability of his novels, whether it’s due to a unique style such as second person or a twist they never saw coming.

Thrasher’s storytelling ability has also allowed him to work with others on their books, from musicians like country musician Scotty McCreery and Journey keyboardist Jonathan Cain to the Robertsons of Duck Dynasty. He has also penned novels based on songs such as Paper Angels with Jimmy Wayne and novelizations for films including Do You Believe? and God’s Not Dead 2. Upcoming projects continue to expand his talents, with projects including The Black Auxiliary about the lives of the 17 American black athletes who competed in the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin, and Baby Don’t Hurt Me about comedian Chris Kattan’s life and time on Saturday Night Live.

Travis lives with his wife and three young daughters in the Grand Rapids, Michigan area.

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