Also by this author: The Promise, The Drummer Boy, Sinner, Green, The Dream Traveler's Quest, Into the Book of Light, The Curse of Shadownman, The Garden and the Serpent, The Final Judgment, Millie Maven and the Bronze Medallion
Series: The Outlaw Chronicles #1.3
Published by Worthy on January 2013
Genres: Fiction, Christian, Suspense, Young Adult
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So who are you?
In a return to the kind of storytelling that made Black, Showdown and Three unforgettable, Ted Dekker drags that question into the light with this modern day parable about how we see ourselves. Humming with intensity and blindsided twists, Eyes Wide Open is raw adrenaline from the first page to the last pure escapism packed with inescapable truth. Not all is as it seems. Or is it? Strap yourself in for the ride of your life. Literally.Unseen is part three of this serialized tale.
Unseen | Ted Dekker
Dead. Fisher is dead. And Austin killed him. It wasn’t as if it was intentional, but it was necessary. Austin had to escape…and thus begins Unseen, Ted Dekker’s third installment in the serialized novel Eyes Wide Open. Austin and Christy have both been introduced to the hospital’s revolutionary techniques. Christy has accepted her fate, accepted that she is delusional. Austin continues to fight, first mentally and now physically. But just as it appears Austin has made his escape, the impossible happens. Well, impossible unless he really is delusional.
Christy has fully accepted the treatment of the hospital. To better her self-image, she must better herself. Surgery has been scheduled to make her thinner and more attractive. Liposuction, Botox, the works. She had to embrace the fact she was truly ugly and change it from the foundation.
While the bulk of Mirrors focused on Christy, the bulk of Unseen focuses on Austin and his philosophical journey. With his rationality shattered, Austin begins to truly question the one thing he’d never questioned: the integrity of his mind. He makes the haunting statement:
I have a problem. I can’t know that what I believe is true.
I am broken. I am damned.
I am trapped.
I can’t know who I am therefore I am nothing.
I am terrified.
How humans know and perceive reality has been one of the most difficult questions ever pondered in the realm of philosophy. Can we know who we are if we can’t trust ourselves to form our identity? Dekker again manages to masterfully blend theme and plot, raising poignant questions that often go unasked. Who am I? Am I who I think I am? Am I a brain floating in a vat? And how can I know? The unanswered questions of philosophy and plot drive the reader onward toward the final installment.
My only criticism of this novel is that, near the end, the pacing is very rushed. Christy, fully accepting her identity as Alice, suddenly and confusedly changes her mind again in the space of a sentence. Certainly, it places the story in a place where it can continue but makes little sense in terms of the story. I understand Dekker’s desire to keep the pace flowing, but a fast pace is not always the best pace, and it is here the formatting of this story gets the best of him. Nonetheless, the thematic points are well-made and the plotting—save this detail—drives the reader onward to the final episode. With Unseen, Ted Dekker begins to wrap up the the story that will be finished with Seer.
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