Also by this author: The Sowing Season, The Sowing Season
Published by Bethany House on October 11, 2022
Genres: Fiction, Christian, General
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After an accident brings businessman Eric Larson and eccentric Eunice Parker together, the unlikely pair spend more time with each other than they would like while facing challenges beyond what they imagined. As Eunice comes to accept her terminal illness, they both wrestle with an important question: What matters most when the end is near?
How do you review a novel with such a bittersweet ending? A novel that leaves your heart feeling both warm and broken? Where the Blue Sky Begins was my first Katie Powner novel, and she has left an impression. Where the Blue Sky Begins is a story of forgiveness and the importance of slowing down. Of embracing the present and aiming to make a difference in people’s lives, as tomorrow is not guaranteed. I knew at least part of the novel’s ending when I started it…but it made the finale no easier to read. Katie Powner’s story is touching. Simple and straight forward, yet portrayed in such a way that readers cannot help but enjoy it.
Where the Blue Sky Begins by Katie Powner is a character-driven story. That is the best word to describe it. It is not thrilling nor suspenseful. You do not keep reading because you must know what the next action scene will be. You keep reading because you want to see the characters develop. You want to witness their stories unfold before you—whether that story is happy or not. Will Eric’s corporate mindset waver? Will he find joy in Tukston, or will he return to Seattle with no lessons learned? And how about Eunice (you-NIECE)? Will she complete her list, or will she let fear of rejection keep her away? Powner’s characters are everything to Where the Blue Sky Begins. If Eric or Eunice were any different, the book would not be as powerful as it is.
The novel is different than what I would usually read, which was why it drew me in. Where the Blue Sky Begins by Katie Powner should be relished, not scarfed down in one sitting. Think about it. Let it settle. Contemplate the messages Katie Powner so artfully portrays in the book’s littlest details, like a chicken named Cinderella, a turtle named Chicken, bowling balls, privacy partitions, and a refurbished table. You’ll have to read the novel to find out what I mean!