Published by Crossway Books on January 5, 2021
Genres: Non-Fiction, Christian Life, Theology
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Aging with Grace by the Power of the Gospel
Whatever season of life you're in, God has equipped you to flourish--to live in the transforming power and beauty of his grace. As we age, we can easily lose sight of this message as cultural ideals glorifying youth take center stage.
In this book, Sharon W. Betters and Susan Hunt offer present-day and biblical examples of women who rediscovered gospel-rooted joy later in their lives. Equipped with a biblical view of aging, Aging with Grace will help you encounter afresh the gospel that "is big enough, good enough, and powerful enough to make every season of life significant and glorious."
In Aging with Grace: Flourishing in an Anti-Aging Culture, Sharon W. Betters and Susan Hunt share their personal stories, explore Scripture passages related to flourishing in old age, and engage with biblical narratives about faithful older women like Anna, Naomi, and Elizabeth. Betters and Hunt emphasize that even though our culture tends to dismiss older people as irrelevant, weak, and useless, people of all ages have a role to play in God’s kingdom and in the church. They also include other women’s brief reflections about their life experiences and how they have seen God’s faithfulness in their older years.
This book is full of wisdom for Christian women who want to finish their lives well. Many of the stories shared here are very sad, and could be overwhelming and discouraging to some readers, especially when they have gone through similar struggles or are dreading new transitions. However, the authors and other contributors all share hopeful messages about how God has met them in the midst of their difficulties, and they talk about their hope in both this life and the one to come.
One thing potential readers should know is that this book primarily focuses on spiritual elements of aging, not practical advice for “aging with grace” from a more general perspective. Because our culture is so ingrained against accepting physical and relational elements of aging, I would have appreciated more insights and applications into how women can accept their age instead of trying to pursue youth for as long as possible. However, even though I wish that this book had covered other elements of aging more, it provides deep spiritual encouragement for older women, and can be eye-opening and helpful for the people who love and minister to them.