Also by this author: The Emotional Life of Our Lord
Published by Good Book Company on October 1, 2021
Genres: Non-Fiction, Christian Life, Christmas
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As dawn broke on that first Christmas morning, the sun rose on a new era: God's king had come to earth to bring about his kingdom.
Join Sinclair Ferguson as he opens up the first two chapters of Matthew's Gospel in these daily devotions for Advent. Each day's reflection is full of insight and application, and will help you to arrive at Christmas Day awed by God's redeeming grace and refreshed by the hope of God's promised king.
This Advent devotional focuses on Matthew’s account of the Nativity story. Sinclair B. Ferguson delves into both the popular and the difficult elements of these historical events, and throughout the book, he provides insight into God’s work through the details of the narrative. The Dawn of Redeeming Grace: A Daily Advent Devotional has four parts, and each begins with a section of the biblical text. The following devotional readings focus on different elements of the story, and they are all short and accessible. Each one ends with lyrics to a Christmas hymn or a general hymn, and with an example prayer.
The Dawn of Redeeming Grace is great for Christians who are looking for an Advent devotional that is biblical, short, and simple to add to their daily routines. This book may also appeal to people who aren’t Christians, but who want to better understand the story, and Ferguson sometimes writes directly to non-Christian readers, engaging with their concerns and sharing some of his own testimony. I would definitely recommend this to someone looking for a good book to read with a spiritually seeking friend around Christmastime.
I can’t say that I learned anything new from this book, since it is a story that I have known all my life, but I appreciated Ferguson’s clear, well-organized portrayal of the narrative and its main themes, and found it worshipful and encouraging. This is a great way for people to draw their minds to Christ as Christmas approaches, and the book is accessible for both adults and teens. This is a great choice for both individual reading and family devotions with older children.