Also by this author: The Promise and the Light: A Christmas Retelling, The Friend Who Forgives Family Bible Devotional: 15 Days Exploring the Story of Peter, The Songs of a Warrior: Saul and David: A Retelling, The Songs of a Warrior, Any Time, Any Place, Any Prayer Family Bible Devotional: 15 Days Exploring How We Can Talk with God
Published by Good Book Company on February 1, 2023
Genres: Children's, Children's Educational
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These easy-to-lead family Bible times will help kids to understand that Jesus' death on the cross means that we can be forgiven, just like Peter was.
Based on the passages referred to in the award-winning storybook, The Friend Who Forgives by Dan DeWitt, these 15 flexible, engaging family devotions explore what the cross means to us today through the story of Peter. Children will learn that Jesus is the friend who always forgives.
Ideal for Lent and Easter, these devotions can also be used whenever you want to explore during family discipleship Jesus' sacrificial love and what it means to follow him.
Each session can be done in under ten minutes and is easy to lead. The sessions include a Bible study, reflection questions, and prayer prompts. There are also optional extras designed to engage older children, plus bonus puzzles and colouring activities for younger children. This resource is suitable for children from age five upward.
I’m a huge fan of Tales that Tell the Truth. As the series has expanded in length, it has also expanded in depth adding board book versions, activity books, and devotionals. The Friend Who Forgives Devotional is a 15 day family devotional based on the The Friend Who Forgives storybook by Dan DeWitt.
Each session includes:
- A short prayer
- An opening question
- A short Bible passage (in the NIV)
- Discussion questions over the passage
- A short explanation of the passage
- Reflection questions
- A concluding thought
- A prayer
- Optional extra section for older kids
That’s about 4-6 pages of content that can be covered in about 15-20 minutes. You can use the book as a leader’s guide, but there are also spaces to write answers. It is simple, meant for an elementary-aged audience. I think I would have liked to have seen this idea combined with the activity book or had more activity/craft options. If so, it could have been a full Sunday School curriculum. As is, it’s a serviceable if simple devotional that encourages readers of the book to go further in exploring the story.