Also by this author: What If Jesus Was Serious about Heaven?: A Visual Guide to Experiencing God's Kingdom among Us
Published by Moody Publishers on June 1, 2021
Genres: Non-Fiction, Christian Life, Devotional
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Good things come to those who believe . . . right?
People like to say, “Prayer works.” But what does that mean? Prayer works for what? Getting the answers from God that we want so much?
While God certainly cares for your deepest needs, Skye Jethani wants you to know that prayer is so much more than a two-way transaction with a heavenly vending machine. Jesus didn’t pray like that. And with a pastor’s heart, Skye wants to take you deeper into what Jesus, the lover of your soul, had to say about talking with God.
In What If Jesus Was Serious . . . About Prayer?, you’ll benefit not only from Skye’s words of wisdom but his doodles that help the visual learner connect with spiritual truth. Prayer isn’t about getting answers, but getting God. We need more prayer in our lives—not because God can give us what we crave, but because He offers himself to us in love.
Last year, Skye Jethani (you might know him from The Holy Post podcast) released a book called What If Jesus Was Serious? It was a light-hearted, colorful, fun discussion of what it means to actually follow Jesus. It was also a big hit, meaning that Jethani is back for round two, this time focusing on prayer.
It’s 53 devotional style chapters all focusing on some element of prayer. 400-500 words of text, a suggested Scripture reading, and an innovative illustration from Skye. It’s a devotional for people who don’t like devotionals, meaning that while the book isn’t explicitly marketing toward tween/teen guys, it’s definitely a book that I’d pitch more middle school and early high school students.
Skye’s thoughts are insightful, conversational, and thought-provoking. I could see this being used in a small group capacity or is some group study on prayer as a springboard toward more conversation and growth. Jethani is warm and humorous but also serious and compelling. Some devotionals like this try to be hip and cool and in with the kids. Skye doesn’t do that. He’s just himself and it’s his authenticity that makes the book what it is.
I’m someone that learns from reading. I love books. But that’s not the learning style best suited for everyone. Skye’s doodles and illustrations provide a different kind of visual that hits a different part of the brain and engages readers in a different way. If you’ve struggled with previous devotionals, seeing them too formal or rigid or ritualistic, give this one a try. You won’t regret it!