Published by Bethany House on February 4, 2020
Genres: Non-Fiction, Theology, Christian Life
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From beginning to end, the Bible affirms women, who have intrinsic value because they are—just as men are—created in the image and likeness of God. Worthy: Celebrating the Value of Women offers insights for both women and men as they more fully grasp that truth through the study of Scripture.
Bestselling author Elyse Fitzpatrick and pastor Eric Schumacher explore how women fit into the storyline of the Bible, offering a transformative view of women, their Maker, and their essential role in the plan of redemption. Readers will be informed and encouraged as Worthy uncovers how God values, empowers, and works through women.
Study questions and a "Digging Deeper" section will help men and women alike discover how to cherish, value, and honor one another for God's glory.
Worthy: Celebrating the Value of Women provides a thorough Scriptural background for understanding how God values women. The first ten chapters address women’s worth throughout creation, the fall, the promise, Israel’s history, and the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Christ. The last two chapters deal specifically with church and twenty-first century dynamics, and in addition to establishing a strong theological framework for understanding women’s worth, the authors share practical ideas for how men, women, and church leaders can better honor women and fulfill God’s mission.
Elyse Fitzpatrick and Eric Schumacher show that it is possible to value and equip women in the church without abandoning a traditional method of reading and interpreting Scripture. Although the authors believe that God does not call women to “the ordained office of pastor,” they reject cultural trends that limit women to motherhood and the home, insisting that women can glorify God in whatever sphere He calls them to. The authors also challenge a variety of flawed Scripture interpretations that men and pastors have used to control or dismiss women, and write with great sensitivity to abuse survivors. I highly recommend this book to women who struggle in their relationship with God because of ways that people have distorted Scripture to harm them.
This book is an excellent resource for individual readers and churches. Even though it cannot address every problem verse, it clearly explains common Bible passages about women that people stumble over, provides a non-stereotyped view of courageous womanhood, and highlights biblical stories of women that are often overlooked in sermons and Bible studies. Some of the suggested applications may seem overly obvious to people who are not in hyper-conservative circles, but this book provides strong biblical exegesis and helpful insight into how Christians can overcome current cultural problems and glorify God together.