Manna Reign Dineen Miller

Manna Reign – Dineen Miller

Manna Reign is one of those books where the pieces fit together a little too nicely, the characters are little too flat, and the plot twists a little too predictable. It’s not a terrible book, […]

The Weight of Memory Shawn Smucker

The Weight of Memory – Shawn Smucker

There is nobody else in Christian fiction who writes the kind of stories Shawn Smucker is writing. Shawn’s stories are ethereal, evocative, full of symbolism and magical realism. The narrative isn’t always straightforward. Not everything […]

The Chase Lisa Harris

The Chase – Lisa Harris

I sat for 10 minutes prior to writing this review, attempting to find an appropriate simile for Lisa Harris’s The Chase. Whirlwind. Roller coaster. Hurricane. Nothing seems to fit! The best on which I can […]


Castle of Refuge – Melanie Dickerson

The name Melanie Dickerson is synonymous with Christian fairytale retellings. Over the past few years, Dickerson has been able to recreate numerous fairytales and her newest retelling, a twist on the Ugly Duckling, is a […]