
Healing Leadership Trauma: Finding Emotional Health and Helping Others Flourish – Nicholas Rowe and Sheila Wise Rowe

Leaders frequently carry heavy burdens for others, in addition to dealing with their own personal challenges. In this book, Nicholas Rowe and Sheila Wise Rowe share compassionate care for leaders, validating their struggles and encouraging […]

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Empowered to Repair – Brenda Salter-McNeil

Reconciliation isn’t enough—or rather, reconciliation without reparation is incomplete. Think of it, to reconcile means to bring two disparate things back together. A connection has been broken and reconciliation reforges the connection. But what if […]


Troubling the Water – Ben McBride

“Good trouble” was the phase coined by the late civil rights activist John Lewis to describe the work of activism. It’s work that’ll get you into trouble with the principalities and powers of the age, […]


How Ableism Fuels Racism: Dismantling the Hierarchy of Bodies in the Church – Lamar Hardwick

How Ableism Fuels Racism explores how racism and disability justice issues intersect and intertwine, particularly within the American church. Lamar Hardwick writes from his perspective as an autistic Black pastor, and his recent battles with […]