Facing the Dawn Cynthia Ruchti

Facing the Dawn – Cynthia Ruchti

I found Facing the Dawn to be an incredibly beautiful, painful, bittersweet story. It shows hope, forgiveness, love, and so much more. It shows us the unshakeableness of God in hard times. This was a […]

Unknown Threat Lynn Blackburn

Unknown Threat – Lynn Blackburn

I love suspense novels, especially ones about law enforcement agents, and this one is a really good one! The first is Lynn Blackburn’s Defend and Protect series, Unknown Threat, delivers a high level of action and causes lots of […]

Prey Tell Tiffany Bluhm

Prey Tell – Tiffany Bluhm

I’m writing this review the day after RZIM released an initial report from their investigation that the sexual abuse allegations against the late Ravi Zacharias are truthful. I’m heartbroken. For the victims and their trauma. […]

Obsession - Patricia Bradley

Obsession – Patricia Bradley

With this book, Patricia Bradley remains one of my favorite authors in this romantic suspense genre. I loved this story! I loved the characters, and I also loved the setting. This book has it all […]

Outdated JP Pokluda

Outdated – JP Pokluda

Christian dating books are usually exceptionally cringey, so when I say that JP Pokluda’s Outdated is only moderately cringey, please understand it as a compliment. Seriously, the sex/love/dating books that tend to get popular in […]

Miriam's Song Jill Eileen Smith

Miriam’s Song – Jill Eileen Smith

Like all biblical fiction reviews, let me recap what I think makes for good biblical fiction. First, it doesn’t blatantly contradict anything in Scripture. Second, it tells its own story while being faithful to the […]