Reading Black Books Claude Atcho

Reading Black Books – Claude Atcho

I read a lot. Fiction. Non-fiction. was started an outlet for that obsession for stories—real and imagined—and how they effect and change individuals and societies. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve become more cognizant of […]

The Evolution of Adam Peter Enns

The Evolution of Adam – Peter Enns

It’s been ten years since Peter Enns released The Evolution of Adam, a groundbreaking work that explored the possibility that a faithful reading of Scripture could be aligned with evolutionary theory. Now, in a revised […]

Recovering Racists Idelette McVicker

Recovering Racists – Idelette McVicker

Recovering Racists positions every person who is called White as a beneficiary of racism. And already the arguments begin—“Racism exists, but I’m not racist.” “It’s racist to say that all white people are racist.” “I […]

The Scandal of Holiness Jessica Hooten Wilson

The Scandal of Holiness: Renewing Your Imagination in the Company of Literary Saints – Jessica Hooten Wilson

Jessica Hooten Wilson challenges common misconceptions about reading fiction, arguing that even though many Christians prioritize nonfiction reading and think of stories as frivolous, reading about literary characters can spur us on to greater holiness […]