
The God Who Sees – Karen Gonzalez

A few months ago, I came across a 1980 debate between then-Presidential candidates Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush. I was floored with how both Republican candidates spoke about the need for open borders to […]


Anabaptist Essentials – Palmer Becker

Over my years in ministry, I found myself accidentally an Anabaptist. Most of this had to do with practical theology and shifting political alignments in my own personal philosophy that led to an increased emphasis […]


Grace Can Lead Us Home – Kevin Nye

I saw a photo the other day of a police officer writing a person experiencing homelessness a citation for experiencing homelessness while the tagline “SERVE AND PROTECT” was prominently emblazoned on the police cruiser in […]

Jesus Takes a Side Jonny Rashid

Jesus Takes a Side – Jonny Rashid

In an era of political polarization and increasing Christian nationalism, a contingent of moderate evangelicals have decried the politicization of faith and sought out compromise, believing that unity will come only when we put choose […]